Home » Miranda

Teacher, RYT 200

My yoga journey began long before I knew that it would change my life. I grew up a dancer, and my mother would have me join her yoga classes all over Palm Beach County to supplement ballet. In high school, I attended a dance academy right next to a studio and I became more consistent with my practice. I always enjoyed the peace that filled me while practicing yoga, as well as the peace that followed me when the practice was finished. In the demanding and competitive world of dance, yoga helped anchor me.

When Covid hit, yoga became a part of my daily routine—even if I was only able to practice virtually. I made the decision to attend Thrive’s Teacher Training in January 2022, with no intention to teach. I simply wanted to deepen my practice. Two weeks into YTT, I couldn’t help but want to teach. Discovering how the body can be a vessel of strength and courage showed me that yoga is my vehicle for peace and contentment in a world that can seem hectic and wanting. The beauty of yoga is that its joy is contagious. Watching the shift in my friends and students alike fulfills me in ways I never would have thought. It has changed my life from the inside out, and I am honored to share and guide others in their journey here at Thrive.